
Winter Furnace Maintenance Tips

If you are halfway through your winter home maintenance checklist, don’t forget to put your heating system on it. As the temperature drops down, make sure your heating system is ready to keep your property warm and comfortable throughout the freezing weather. The best way of doing this is by keeping the furnace in good condition.

One of the many benefits of a well-maintained furnace is maximum heat output and improved energy efficiency. It also reduces the risk of harmful emission or system failure, giving you a more reliable heating system for the season!

So, don’t put off the upkeep of your furnace. Follow these easy tips to enjoy a comfortable and trouble-free winter.

Change the furnace filter

Remember to check the furnace filter once every month and more frequently during the extremely cold temperatures. The filter is designed to restrict dust and dirt from damaging the furnace. As dirt collects up in the filter, this can create problems such as choking the burners and putting friction on the motors. A clogged filter restricts the airflow of the heating system, overworking the furnace, and forcing it to use more energy for heating the room. In such a situation, changing the filter with a new one is ideal. The furnace will then reward you with improved performance.

Inspect ductwork, heating registers, and vents

Inspect the accessible sections of the ductwork for poor connections and leaks. Secure the faulty sections using a high-quality metal tape or mastic sealant. Also, get your HVAC professional to inspect and repair your ducts completely, as the chances are that the other duct sections that you can’t reach may have similar problems. Keep your furniture, drapes, rugs and other items from blocking the heating vents as well as registers. If you notice dust coming out of the registers, get the duct system cleaned thoroughly from an HVAC professional.

Lubricate the system properly

Proper lubrication is essential to minimize friction and to keep your heating system working smoothly. Once your system is properly cleaned, lubricate the motor and other mechanical or moving components of the system. Put only two or three drops of the oil and remember not to over-lubricate.

Be aware of weird smells

In the first few uses of your furnace every season, you can witness a faint burning smell. This is nothing to be worried about as the dust inside the furnace burns off. However, if you notice scents of chemicals, electrical burning, smoke, rotten eggs, this can be because of faulty carbon monoxide detectors or any other components that are not functioning well. Call for professional repair immediately.

Check your thermostat

Inspect your thermostat and ensure that it is noting accurate temperatures. Check your thermostat against your regular indoor thermometer. If your thermostat is quite old, the chances are that your thermostat is giving you wrong readings, resulting in inefficient climate control. In such a situation, consult an HVAC expert right away.

Don’t forgo professional tune-up

To keep your heating system functioning efficiently for a long time, don’t forget to have your system inspected and cleaned by professionals. The complete system tune-up includes the cleaning and lubrication of all the components and inspecting belts and electrical connections. The professionals will check and adjust the airflow if required and will also inspect the ignition, combustion as well as the exhaust phases. This will ensure that every component is working safely and efficiently.

If you need help maintaining your HVAC system, trust Arellano Heating & Air LLC to keep your system working without a hitch. For any tune-up, installation, or repair, just give us a call!

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